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Caring for Creation-July 20

Quotation for your Meditation

“Without the Word of God no creature has being. God’s Word is in all creation, visible and invisible. The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. All creation is awakened, called, by the resounding
melody, God’s invocation of the Word. All of creation is a symphony
of praise to God.”                              Hildegard of Bingen  (1098-1179)

Suggestion for Personal Action

Consult the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency  (DSIRE) *(  This is a national database.  Find out what financial incentives the state of Massachusetts offers. If you, a relative, or a friend own a second home in another state you can also look up what that state offers for making energy efficiency upgrades and/or switching to renewable sources for electricity.