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Join us for Worship


St. John’s is a community called by Christ to grow spiritually and make known God’s love through word and deed in our congregation and in the broader world.

We are a compassionate community of faith coming from all walks of life and life-styles and invite you to join us for the heart of our life together—Worship.

Faith, inspiration and formation come in many forms at St. John’s. It’s through worship services, music, a sermon or a conversation with God, through hospitality and fellowship, and through participation in our ministries. We put our faith into action by giving back to God what has been given to us and by helping our neighbors.

Whoever you are, wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to join us

Worship With Us

In-person Worship
Saturdays at 5 PM
Sundays at 9:30 AM

Sundays at 9:30 AM on Facebook and YouTube


  • October 17, 2024, 12:00 pm: AA - Discussion Group
  • October 17, 2024, 6:00 pm: AA - Undercroft of the Church
  • October 19, 2024, 5:00 pm: Worship with Holy Eucharist
  • October 20, 2024, 9:30 am: Worship with Holy Eucharist
  • October 21, 2024, 10:00 am: Stepping Stones Al-anon Family Group

Announcements & Reflection

Announcements - October 12/13


St. John’s Episcopal Church Sandwich Financial Summary For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024

Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) at the end of September was ($49,043) compared to a budgeted deficit of ($39,302). The $9,741 unfavorable budget variance primarily results from lower Fundraising and Space Use revenue than planned year-to-date (YTD). Fortunately, Pledge and other miscellaneous revenue are ahead of target YTD, and overall expenses are on target which is helping to mitigate the combined $17,875 unfavorable variance in Fundraising and Space Use.  The decision not to have a golf tournament this year and the timing of the #161 Main Street Rectory renovation are driving this unfavorable variance. Celia Bailey-Ochoa, Treasurer

Caring for Creation announces its next environmental presentation: Water Quality Issues of the Lakes and Ponds of Cape Cod. Julie Berkman, PhD,  of the APCC will discuss this topic in the Parish Hall at 7pm on Tuesday, October 22.  The presentation is open to the public and admission is free.

The Cape and Islands Deanery Watch Party for Bishop Julia Whitworth’s Consecration is on Saturday, Oct. 19 at St. David’s, 205 Old Main St. South Yarmouth. Refreshments will be served at 10:00 am and the Livestream begins at 11:00 am. Hope you will join the celebration!

A webinar for wardens and vestry members to review diocesan policies will be offered on Saturday, Oct. 26, 1-4 p.m. The hope is that at least two members of the elected lay leadership from each congregation will attend one of the webinars—to include short presentations on the policies, break-out group time for discussion and time for questions and answers. FOR INFORMATION: Martha Gardner, Missioner for Networking and Formation or 617-482-4826, ext. 403).

The Diocese of Massachusetts requests your support for the victims of Hurricanes Helene and Milton.  Please visit:

Additionally, the Barnstable County Sheriff’s Office along with several local police departments are collecting and shipping items to the same areas.  You name it, they need it.  Donations can be left in the Narthex, or dropped off at the office.

We could use some donations of candy for Halloween! Fr. Al will be on the front porch of #161 on Halloween to participate in the festivities along Main Street and neighboring streets. You can leave your donation in the Narthex,or bring it to the Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity!  Sincere apologies to Sue Nee! The Halloween extravaganza will take place on Nov. 3 in the Undercroft, following Sunday service, not October 27th.

Fr. Al asks you to join him and other learners in the Parish House (161 Main St) for Brown Bag Bible Study!  Bring your brown bag lunch each noon beginning on November 14.  More information to follow or check the Messenger.

Last, but certainly not least, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the success of Porchfest/Sandwichfest last weekend. St. John’s offered crafts, food, popcorn, a welcoming spirit, and good cheer to many visitors and friends. The church was open and a number of people walked through, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the beauty of our church. Even “Stella” was present (thank you Mary and Alan Carlson).

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Caring for Creation-October 12/13

During October and November we focus on the importance of biodiversity and air in our Caring for Creation section. In December we add the themes of hope and expectation of the Advent season.

Quotation for your Meditation

 There is a growing scientific consensus that the current anthropogenic {human-caused} loss of biological diversity is the greatest ecological challenge of our time. We are driving species to extinction at around 100 to 1000 times the background rate, that is, the degree of loss independent of human activity. So dramatic is this depletion that biologists are now speaking of the sixth mass extinction event in Earth’s history. Unlike the previous five, this mass extinction is unfolding in terms of decades rather than millions of years, constantly gaining momentum at an unprecedented rate, so that eventually it will become impossible for the system to adapt any further.  At that point, a catastrophic collapse will be virtually unavoidable, jeopardizing the survival of all organisms, humans included.”

THE WAILING OF GOD’S CREATURES – A Report of the Laudato Si Research  Institute at Oxford University. (

Suggestions for Personal Action

80% of the electricity consumed in Massachusetts currently comes from fossil fuel sources. However, you can opt to purchase cleaner electricity through your electric utility or an alternative supplier. Anyone who pays an electric bill, including renters, can buy clean electricity. Depending on what is available in your area, you may be able to purchase wind, solar, hydroelectric energy, or energy produced by anaerobic digesters.  Go to this link(  It will inform you of your options to switch to an electric supplier who can increase your support for and use of renewable energy.



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Announcements-July 20

Please join us for a Caring For Creation event – the screening of the documentary “COOKED: Survival by Zip Code”, which chronicles the painful truth that waiting for the government can be hazardous for your health. The film will be shown on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the parish hall at St. John’s Episcopal Church Sandwich, 159 Main St., Sandwich, MA.

Summer Breeze Concert Series continues with our third concert of the summer:  Blues, Burgers and Boogie Down!  Our own Misao Koyama and Glen Carliss and several of their musician friends will be providing some great music on Sunday, July 28 from 4 – 6 pm. Following that, the Cape Cod Ukulele Club welcomes you to a fun sing-a-long show on Saturday, August 17 at 6 PM. Grab your chair and join us for a fun evening under the tent! Bring your family and friends!

From our Treasurer: The Pancake breakfast netted approx. $2,500, $700 more than last year, and exceeding our plans for 2024. The first Summer Breeze Concert on June 22, netted about $475.              Celia Bailey-Ochoa

Regional Canon The Reverend Martha Hubbard has accepted a new call to become the rector of St. Andrew’s Church in Albany, N.Y., beginning Sept. 1. She will be leaving her position on the diocesan staff at the end of August.

All of the chairs that were brought up from the basement of the church for recent funerals needed a thorough cleaning. Thank you Jann Czarnetzki, Bill Mills, and Jeannie Johnson for undertaking this substantial task!

Please note that the list of those we remember in our Prayers of the People has been modified.  If you would like to include someone in the list, please contact the office.

The church office will be closed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, July 24, 25, and 26. We will re-open on Tuesday, July 30 at 9am.

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Caring for Creation-July 20

Quotation for your Meditation

“Without the Word of God no creature has being. God’s Word is in all creation, visible and invisible. The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. All creation is awakened, called, by the resounding
melody, God’s invocation of the Word. All of creation is a symphony
of praise to God.”                              Hildegard of Bingen  (1098-1179)

Suggestion for Personal Action

Consult the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency  (DSIRE) *(  This is a national database.  Find out what financial incentives the state of Massachusetts offers. If you, a relative, or a friend own a second home in another state you can also look up what that state offers for making energy efficiency upgrades and/or switching to renewable sources for electricity.

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Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

Matthew 13:1-2