Our parishioner Elaine Young turns 99 years old on April 19th. We would like to “shower” her with cards for this special day. You can find her address in the Parish Directory, or call the office.
Workshop for wardens and vestry members: is offered via Zoom on Saturday, April 5, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. The workshop will be hosted by Canons Kelly O’Connell, Bill Parnell and Greg Perez. Participants will learn about “An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice”; discover how to spend less on buildings and free up resources for mission through the Community Purchasing Alliance; hear about equipping and empowering their congregations with Invite Welcome Connect resources; explore new and updated Safe Church resources; meet new Regional Canon Marissa Rohrbach; and get acquainted with wardens and vestry members from other churches.
FOR INFORMATION: Contact Jennifer Garrett, Administrator and Event Coordinator at:
Eucharistic Visitor Training is offered. Eucharistic Visitors extend the altar to include those who are homebound or in the hospital. This important pastoral and liturgical ministry is offered by adult lay members of the congregation who are certified by the diocese. In order to be certified, Eucharistic Visitors must complete Safe Church training, be nominated by their priest and attend a diocesan-approved training. Trainings are scheduled in each region of the diocese, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on: • April 26 at Grace Church in Medford; • May 3 at St. David’s Church in South Yarmouth; and • May 10 at the Church of Our Redeemer in Lexington. Please see Fr. Al for more information.
Silent Auction: Mary Howe has produced a beautiful fleece blanket which is being offered through a Silent Auction. Bids will be accepted by phone through the office, or by filling out a slip and placing it in the box in the Narthex. The blanket will be on view through March 30th. Proceeds from the auction will be donated to St. John’s. Bids are taken until March 30th.
The next Baptism offered will be at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 19th.