During January, February, and March we focus on the importance of water in our Caring for Creation section. Likewise, as we approach the start of Lent, we are reminded of our own baptism by water that calls us to a change of heart, to be a source of living, that is life giving water for our world and each other. May we see conservation of water as the new Lenten way of fasting for those of us who have enough. May we find ways to give clean water to those who are thirsty.
Quotation for your Meditation
“The whole earth is a living icon of the face of God.”
St. John of Damascus
Suggestions for Personal Action
On January 6, 2021, the feast of the Epiphany, the Orthodox Church of America released a film entitled The Face of God. It is found at this link:
In the spirit of the quotation above from St. John of Damascus the film underscores that nature is sacred. “It is how God dresses.” As the season of Lent continues may we experience the repentance, the change of heart, that is necessary to re-order our relationship to nature in some specific way: use less water; avoid plastics and single use containers; reduce consumption of meat; increase plant-based nutrition, etc.