Thrift Shop
Located at 163 Main Street in the heart of Sandwich, the St John’s Thrift Shop has been a vivacious part of the ongoing connection and outreach to the community. The merchandise is donated by our supporters and include gently-used items – from houseware to clothing, jewelry, books and puzzles. With the stock constantly changing, the shop is always bustling with shoppers!
Shop Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Phone: 508-833-1452
Unique & Unusual
St. John’s thrift shop is staffed by volunteers from the parish and from within the community. Over 20 volunteers sort through the donations, arrange the displays, and server as sales clerks.
The shop donates overstock items to local families and charities, and all of the profits from the shop go to our local ministries, ensuring that the outreach from St John’s continues to expand in the community.
The Thrift Shop was originally opened up in the Parish Hall of the church and was only open in the summer. Then it was expanded and moved to the basement under the Parish Hall to be opened year round, and in 2003, they moved to 2 Jarves Street in a vintage storefront located just around the corner from the church.