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Caring for Creation – July 2

During July and August we focus on the importance of energy/sun in our Caring for Creation activities. Simultaneously, the season of Pentecost reminds us that the Spirit blows where it will. The Spirit sustains all that is true, good and beautiful wherever it may be found and by whomever it may be done. On Pentecost tongues of flame appeared above the heads of the disciples representing internal change.

In case you missed it here’s what happened recently and something fun to do in the future:

Last Saturday’s (June17) screening of THE LETTER was described as “A Message for Our Earth” and it inspired a group of 20 parishioners and friends as Pope Francis described his encyclical Laudato Si, and the challenges faced by climate leaders across the world. It was a message not just for Catholics, but for all mankind. Act now to care for our earth home. All life – plants, animals, and humans hang in the balance as global warming threatens the world of living things. After the showing one attendee emphasized that she was not a Catholic and not too familiar with Pope Francis, but she was truly inspired by the message and the humanity projected by the Pope.

Next Caring for Creation event: St. John’s Garden Tour, Friday and Saturday, July 21 & 22, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. If you have a garden you would like to share with the community please volunteer by emailing Steve Tom, Tom Dorney, or Mary Howe.