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Music is an integral part of the life we share together here in St John’s Church​. Our choirs play a crucial role in directing our praises to God and lead us in the musical parts of the liturgy. Remember – those that sing, pray twice!

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir sings in worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 am in the church sanctuary. In addition to leading the hymns and service music, the choir presents anthems from Baroque, Classical, and Contemporary repertoires, all of which are accompanied by the pipe organ or piano, and a small brass ensemble.

These dedicated singers meet on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings for rehearsal and to share in supportive fellowship. The group welcomes all singers who have a love for great sacred music and a passion for Christian worship. The Choir is directed and accompanied by Director of Music and Church Organist, Misoa Koyama.

Childrens Choir

The Children’s Choir sings in special services including our Christmas Eve Pagaent and Palm Sunday. The Children’s Choir will meet seasonally for rehearsals after the 10:00 am service. The Choir is directed and accompanied by Misao Koyama.

I love to hear a choir.  I love the humanity.  .to see the faces of real people devoting themselves to a piece of music.  I like the teamwork.  It makes me feel optimistic about the human race when I see them cooperating like that. 

– Paul McCartney